Thursday, September 16, 2010


I wanted to take a few moments to show y'all a few things about the blog that you may not know.

On the left-hand side, you'll find a search option that will allow you to look for things specifically on this site. Below that is the blog archive. It goes back to the beginning of the posts, listed in chronological order. Below that is a handy list of labels. I have tagged each post with labels that can help you search for specific categories. Let's say you need a quick meal one night. Just click on the "30-minute meal" label and the blog will list out for you each post that is tagged with that label. Do you like a certain category of posts I'm doing like "Perfect Pairs"? Click on that label and you'll see every Perfect Pair post I've done.

In the middle are the posts. If you've found a post you really like, you can click on the title of the post and you will be on a page with just that post. You can bookmark it in your browser or e-mail someone the link, or post it on Facebook. The link will be specific to that post. At the bottom of each entry is the option to comment on posts with questions or to tell me if you did or didn't like the post, changes you made in a recipe when you tried it, anything you want! The labels are located below this.

In the right-hand column at the top is a neat vocabulary game that you can play. It donates rice to needy countries through the United Nations World Food Program. Below that is a list of links to other sites that I enjoy for their food-related topics. Under those you'll find a poll that changes frequently. I'd love to see your opinions there, so be sure to vote!

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